The Independence Project offers a variety of residential options. We will also work with you to create a living arrangement specific to the needs of your loved one and your family. Every person is unique in the type of support they need and how much as well.
We have had wonderful success stories using the following models of support:
Alternative Family Model – In this model, the participant lives with a trained mentor. Sometimes it may be in a family setting. As well it can mirror a roommate situation. However, the arrangement is configured, the individual is in home with their staff. An individual contract, based on the number of direct support hours, need for transportation, personal care and daily living skills is developed and agreed upon. A clinical supervisor will oversee the AFL homes and make routine visits in the community.
Roommate Matching and Support – In this model, we help individuals find a potential roommate match. We work with the families to find an appropriate affordable living arrangement. Sometimes staff lives in as well. Other set ups include a number of periodic hours based on individual need. An individual contract is developed and agreed upon based on expenses and individual needs. A clinical supervisor will provide care management as agreed upon.
Independent Living with Periodic Support – In this model, individuals live alone or with a roommate and need staff to provide varying numbers of hours depending on the level of support needed. We will assist in finding a place, getting moved, shopping for needed home items, getting organized and so on. We also work with individuals that are already on their own and just need some hourly support in certain areas. (hourly rates apply)
We teach all of the skills required to live as independently as possible in the community. This includes cooking, healthy lifestyle, managing day-to-day, laundry, housekeeping, etc. We oversee medical care, personal shopping, budgeting, and all other tasks of daily living.